Monday, November 18, 2013

Bibliography all weeks

Anisonema [Internet]. [EOL] Encyclopedia of Life; cN/A [cited 2013 Nov 11]. Available from:

Covich A.P. Thorp J.H. 2009. Ecology and Classification of North American Invertebrates. 3rd edition, Academic Press. 1021 pgs.

Lembadion bullinum [Internet]. [EOL] Encyclopedia of Life; cN/A [cited 2013 Nov 11]. Available from:

Patterson D.J. 1996. Free- Living Freshwater Protozoa: A color guide. Mason Publishing Ltd. 233 pgs.

Pennak RW. 2001. Freshwater Invertabrates of the United States. 4th ed. Wiley Publishing Company. 648 p. 

Weber C. 1971. A guide to the common diatoms at water pollution surveillance system stations. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Analytical Quality Control Laboratory. 98 pgs.

Pictures taken by: Abby Stanley

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